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My best banana bread recipe!

#sourdough #bananabread

I hate waste! That’s why my ebook has so many #sourdoughdiscardrecipe (s)

While working on the new pizza ebook, I’ve been making some mods to the baking ebook, and been thinking about spinning off all the discard recipes into a 3rd ebook. Current ebook owners, have no fear! #bakingwithrosehillsourdough would continue to be the main ebook and everything will stay there! It would just be a separate book for new folks maybe interested in just having a discard only book.

This is one of my favorite recipes from the ebook. It’s super delicious, super easy to make, and super flexible (3 supers!)

Here I added some fresh blueberries to the mix and sprinkled a little Demerara sugar on top.

It’s my daughter’s favorite as well as it’s fun for her to help out with. Peel and save your old bananas in the freezer for when you have enough discard to make this bread and you’ll never throw old bananas away again!
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