So you just bought an rhsd wood pulp proofing basket? Awesome! This is a fantastic first recipe for you to try!
First thing you’ll want to do prep your basket for use following the included instructions.If you want a video overview, here ya go:
I use King Arthur flour for this (and all) of my recipes.
One 875g Loaf
4-10 hours before PREP:
Mix 22g of sourdough with 44g of water 22g of bread flour and 22g of whole wheat flour (1:2:2). This will be enough for the recipe +20g.
330g warm water (74%) (~92 ̊F/33 ̊C)
10g salt (2.3%)
90g peaked sourdough starter (20%)
355g bread flour (80%)
90g wholewheat flour (20%)
18 hours before BAKE with 6 hours to make the dough and an 12 hour rest in the fridge.
Target dough temperature is 80 ̊F (27 ̊C)
Mix: Combine water and salt in a medium bowl. Swirl to dissolve the salt.
Add starter and mix until water is milky in color.
Add flours. Mix just until combined, until you cannot see any dry flour.
Let rest, covered with a damp towel or lid somewhere warm, 45 minutes.
[Feed the remaining starter for future use. You won’t need any more for this recipe.]
Folds: After 45 minutes, fold using a stretch & fold technique, stopping when the dough is smooth. Ensure the seam side is down and smooth side is up.
Let rest, covered, somewhere warm, 45 minutes.
Coil fold with lightly wet hands a few times until you have a smooth dough. Rest covered in a warm oven, 45 minutes.
Fold the dough again using the coil fold method. Check the dough temp; it should be around 80 ̊F (27 ̊C). You may need to adjust the temp of your oven or move the dough to try to maintain this temp. Rest covered, 45 minutes.
Repeat the previous step four more times, for a total of six coil folds and 5 hours and 15 minutes since the Mix.
On the last fold, remove the dough and place it on the counter, uncovered, smooth side up.
Bench rest, uncovered on the counter, 45 minutes.
Shaping: Here is a video showing the technique. Flip the dough over onto a lightly floured surface, seam side up. Gently stretch the left and right sides of the dough outward a bit and fold them across and over towards to the midline of the dough and release, one at a time. Repeat for the bottom of the dough. Stitch the left and right sides together by gently swapping a bit from each side, making little x’s. Finally, gently stretch the top of the dough out away from you and fold over the top of the dough, toward the middle. Continue rolling the dough toward you to meet up with the bottom of the dough and press to seal the seam. Now the seam is on the bottom. Hold a bench scraper at an angle with one hand and gently press the dough under towards yourself using the inner edge of your other hand on the opposite side of the dough to build tension and further seal the seam. You should now have a smooth, oval-shaped dough ready to go in to an oval proofing basket. See the building tension FAQ for shaping tips.
Liberally flour the top of the dough and your proofing basket. Using your bench scraper, transfer the dough to the basket, floured side down, seam side up.
Cover the dough with a BreadMat, then a dry towel.
Move basket to the refrigerator and allow to rest for 12 hours.
Leaving the dough in the fridge, preheat your oven with the dutch oven inside to 450 ̊F (230 ̊C).
When oven is preheated, remove the basket from the fridge. Turn the basket over to remove the dough. Lightly dust with flour and smooth with a dry hand. Score the dough with a bread lame.
Bake for 35 minutes covered, then 10-15 minutes uncovered, or until dark golden brown. Remove loaf from the dutch oven and allow to cool on a rack for 1 hour before cutting.