Last recipe for #1percentpizza is done! “American Wood Fired”
Now I just need to go write the book 😂😂
I’ve been really trying to get it out by this weekend as it’s the 1 year anniversary of #bakingwithrosehillsourdough V5 which was a massive release.
It’s doubtful it will be done by this weekend but I promise I’m working hard to get it done soon!
The beauty of an ebook is I can update it whenever I want so that’s the plan. I intentionally pulled back a couple recipes that weren’t quite there and I plan on adding them when they are ready.
The ebook will have a ton of pizza dough recipes for a number of pizza styles. Not just topping combos, but actual dough recipes to highlight the differences in different styles of pizza.
And all #sourdough, duh!
I’ll also teach how to convert any yeasted recipe to sourdough and how to scale recipes like a pro.
Okay. Back to work.
This #pizza was #woodfired on oak in @oonihq #karu16
I got the stone to 400C and then closed the chimney baffle about 70% to kill the combustion a bit. American wood fired pizza is usually baked at a little lower temp and for a little longer than Neapolitan. The resulting pizza is less floppy and has more of a crunch. I put American Wood Fired in the Neo-Neapolitan (or new Neapolitan) category. Still baked on wood or high heat gas, but made with bread flour instead of 00, and a little more water.
Dough deets:
Water 62.0%
Salt 3.0%
Sourdough 11.0%
Bread flour 100.0%
5 hour room temp proof. 2 days in fridge. Balled and left for 4 hours to come to room temp. Then baked on wood at 400C/750F.
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